Weekly Announcement

Mr. McLaine's Monday Minute - May 20, 2024

Rock Canyon Band Family,

Happy Monday, and happy Finals Week! Finish out strong!

Band Student/Equipment Check-out

All lockers must be cleaned out by Wednesday, May 22nd. Make sure all of your belongings are cleared out. Any items left in the lockers will be thrown away or donated. Lockers will be reassigned at the beginning of next school year.

Check the lost and found (blue bin at the front of the band room) for any of your belongings before Wednesday, May 22nd. All unclaimed items will be donated or thrown away.

All school-owned instruments (marching or concert instruments) must be returned to Mr. McLaine by Wednesday, May 22nd.

If you are playing at graduation, you may return your school-owned instruments after our performance, but they must be returned before you leave school that day.

If you are planning to rent a school-owned instrument over the summer, you must communicate with Mr. McLaine before May 22nd.

Graduation Band: All non-senior Concert and Symphonic Band students have one final performance this year: we will play at Graduation at 5:00 PM on May 24th. Rehearsal will begin at the school at 1:30 PM on May 24th for a rehearsal before they are bussed over to the arena. If a student is unable to attend, please communicate with me ASAP.

Band Room Spring Cleaning: This summer, we are making a concerted effort to clean out the band room so we can be more productive in our space. On June 3rd, 4th, and 5th, from 9:00 AM to Noon(ish), we’ll be at the school to dig through and clean out our storage, including practice rooms, lockers, and the band shed. Members of our band leadership team are already planning to be present, but all students are welcome to come take part in the cleaning process! I will be providing snacks for the students who are giving up some of their valuable summer time to help make our band experience better!

2024 Marching Band: Preparations for next year’s marching band season have been going on for a while! Some important things:

July 15th-19th: Percussion and Color Guard Camp

July 16-18: Rookie Camp, 9 AM - 12 PM

July 22-26: Band Camp Week 1, 9 AM - 5:30 PM

July 29-August 2: Band Camp Week 2, 3:30 PM - 8:30 PM

If you missed the deadline to register for the 2024 RCHS Marching Band, please visit this website to complete this process ASAP.

A brief look at the semester ahead:

Please don’t hesitate to contact me at tmclaine@dcsdk12.org if you have any questions. 

Let’s go Jags!


Trevor McLaine

Rock Canyon High School

Director of Bands